Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Consecrated ground

He stood there
On consecrated ground
Consecrated with blood
The blood of sons
And daughters 

Taker of children 
Stealer of dreams
And futures
Breaker of lives

That ground 
Was everywhere 
Every inch
Paid for with lives
In blood

His country
His home 
Consecrated ground 


Thursday, November 26, 2015


There was a sadness in her eyes
That had never been there 
A weariness drawn from long days
The light in her eyes subdued
Not certain if extinguished 
Or just veiled by the weight of life
Still the beauty she had always been
But not the same person
Not the same woman
Her soul just a little bit less
This sadness did not surround her
Nor did it eminate from her
It was as if it just followed her
Reminding her of the weight of life
And loss
And love 
And somehow dimming the glow
Which had carried her for so long 



You melt me
She said
From deep within
You melt me

My heart 
Which had grown cold
My soul
Like ice

You melt me

And then 
You put me back together 


Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Right now

It's a balancing act that we must endeavor to live. Shut ourselves off from the world and "protect" ourselves or open ourselves up to the benefits and of the rest of the world. Live in our own world with our own threats or live in The world and open ourselves to the threats of the world. 

I am not picking a side right here; I change my position by the minute but right now, I want to hunker down and protect my family. 



Beauty is just the physical manifestation of the soul 


Sunday, November 15, 2015

For Paris 2015.11.13

For Paris 2015.11.13 attacks 

I am angry
For the pain caused
I am hurt 
For the taking of lives 
I am scared 
For my sons' and this world's future
I am unbowed
For I will not give into fear


Monday, November 9, 2015


I am the warrior
Who stands at the front
I am the warrior who fights
And dies
Not for glory but for hope

I stand for my country
I stand for my beliefs
Even when they do not agree
I stand
For the man or woman standing next to me

Because I fight to live
Not to kill
Because I fight for life
Not for death

I will stand and fight
And when not able
I will crawl
To my comrade
To cover or to offer my brotherhood
During death

I will drape my body over his
To protect him
I will give my blood
My sweat
My tears
My life
For those at my side
And you all benefit from my sacrifice
Our sacrifices

I will fight at the front
I will fight to get back to the front
When wounded
Or scared
Or exhausted
I will fight

If they take my leg
I will get another one
If they take my arm or my eye
The Gods gave me two

I am the Warrior
I stand at your door to protect you
And ask little of you in return
While at the Front or
Upon my return

I do not want your pity
Warriors have no room for that
I do not want your charity
I have earned my keep
I do not want your praise
I did not fight for recognition

I want your love
Because, for love of my country
I am a warrior
I want your respect
From respect for freedom
Your freedom
I fight
I want your acceptance
Of who I am and who I became
To stand and fight
And I want to be welcome home
If I walk or roll
Or am carried by comrades
I want to be welcome home

But mostly
I want you to stand
And fight
Not with weapons
With your voices
As I and my brothers and sisters have fought
For our lives
For our homes
For our rights and country and neighbors and ourselves
I want you to stand and fight for us
For all of us

I am the warrior
Who has stood at your door
And faced the gates of hell
I stepped forward among us
As have my brothers and sisters

I have fallen
Gotten up and fallen again
Stood on my own or assisted
At times I have been carried by comrades
And I the same for them

I stand now
And always will
Whether I can physically stand or not
I will stand against the tides
I will stand with the living
Or the dead

I will stand
The Warrior
For Right
For Honor
For Freedom and Country
I will stand as I have always stood
For I am a Warrior


Friday, November 6, 2015

No answer

No answer
Is for worse than, "No"
For an answer
It means you lack the courage and conviction
To believe your own answer 


Saturday, October 31, 2015

Death on the horizon


And Death stood on the horizon
Atop a hill not far from me
And He 
Or She
Looked around in wonder
As souls in past taken 
Rose up from their rest
And wandered the grounds 'round my home
And on this All Hallows' Eve
Whilst I could see nothingness where a face would be 
It seemed to me that I saw the gleen of a smile from under The Hood
As Death itself felt the eve' and its magic
And all that had been reaped 'neath the great sickle
Stood up and danced a dance of life
That came but once per year 
And as those souls leapt and danced and shook off a year's slumber
Death turned its hood to me
And the echo of an echo of laughter fell upon my ears
And words 
Whispered from nowhere

You, you will dance this dance one night

And Death pointed its finger at me
And The Hood shook as from laughter 
And the great sickle dipped in my direction
As if to taste something for which it would wait
I hoped 
Then turning away to watch the dance
As the sun peaked from the near horizon
The shadows slowly at first
Then with haste
Found their ways back to where they had come from

But Death did not move
Standing upon the horizon
On that hill
Overlooking my home 
And glanced back at me for a moment
Shook once more 
With laughter? 
And when all the souls had been laid back to their rest
Nodded its head 
And moved forward
Disappearing into the new light

I was left with the memory burned into my mind's eye
With the warning of my pending dance
But, perhaps, with a little less fear of the dying 
And rotting
For in the end
We all die
But occasionally 
We all get to dance 


Thursday, October 29, 2015


There are no endings in life
Except for life itself
Relationships do not end
They just taper off
Sometimes to a little less
Sometimes to just memories 


Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Light / Dark

Behind the light
Is the dark
But without the dark
How can there be light 


Sunday, October 25, 2015


Like kudzu creeps along the ground
Engulfing walls
And rails
And trees
Covering all of the world it encounters
The dark thoughts
Did not encroach upon him so much 
But consumed him
Surrounded him
Choked out room for other life 
And his world
Was overrun 


Darkness falls

When darkness falls upon him
And hatred consumes his mind
He reflects not on what he has
But on what he has not
What he has lost
And what no longer is
And consoling him is not possible
Neither from without or within
The light is driven away 
What remains is nothing 
And nothing is what he feels 


Thursday, October 22, 2015

Storm, a prayer

Help me to weather this storm
That I have created for myself


Sunday, October 18, 2015

More scars

Scars remind us that no one is perfect
We have all suffered in different ways 
And life goes on


Monday, October 12, 2015


And the lights dimmed
As he lay in bed
Remembering what had been promised
And what had been said

He rolled to his side
Let out a deep sigh
As his eyes took in the darkness
He thought he should cry

For loneliness felt
Like a vise on his heart
Which squeezed the life out of his dreams 
He watched fall apart

Like dead dying flesh
Falling from bone
Left damp and decayed in the dirt 
'till leaves have been blown

He rolled back 
Faced the clock
Murmured some hopeless prayer
And closed his eyes to the darkness

And the night swallowed him


Monday, October 5, 2015

A gathering of angels

A gathering of angels
Each morning she slept
In awe of her beauty
From which they were kept

A gathering of angels
Stood 'round while she cried
To take 'way her pain 
They all would have died 

A gathering of angels
Prayed lift her from bed
Invisibly dressing 
With crown on her head

A gathering of angels
Held steady her hand
Walked 'cross the town square
All at her command

A gathering of angels 
Followed everywhere
Always by her side 
Though she'd not sense them near 

A gathering of angels
Both laughter and tears
Had followed her 'round
For all of her years
They wept when she wept
Laughed when she did 
Showered light on her smile
And frowned when it hid

This gathering of angels
Didn't catch her from fall
But cleaned her wounds
And kiss'ed them all

This gathering of angels
Would always be near
For God had ordained it
For her, the Lord cared 


Thursday, September 17, 2015

Okay to go

It's okay to go
She whispered in her mother's ear
Mom had been holding on for so long
Not sure why
She was in pain
Great pain
And we all knew it

Laying next to her
Her daughter
The one who made all the trips
Ran down to the house for Mom and Dad
Pausing her life when they needed
She was tired, too
Not tired of her mother
Just tired of the chaos and running
Stop and start of her life
But mostly
Far and away
She was tired
So tired of seeing her mother lay there and slowly die
But not
Holding on for some reason
Maybe she wasn't sure if her child
Her children were ready themselves

So she lay there
Sometimes not much more
And then her daughter lay next to her
And told her
It's okay
It's okay Mom
Go home

And she did



He wiped away her tears
Not telling to stop crying
Only making room for more


Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Sunday, September 13, 2015


She is music to my eyes
Art to my ears
The air to my touch
Everything to my heart


Sunday, September 6, 2015

Too many words

Sometimes words are too much
Sometimes a smile
A touch
A wink
A simple gesture
A change in body language
Can say I love you
More than all the words in a dictionary 


Friday, September 4, 2015

Soldiers, we died

We died
On rocks and dirt
In forests green
We died
In deserts and snowy fields 
Open plains
We died
On beaches and in their surf
On roads to nowhere
We died
Facing death or running from it
In unknowing silence
We died
Some as heroes, a few cowards and some not knowing 
But all of us men
We died 
Sent to wars far from home
We all mattered
We died
But not for our leaders
Our presidents or kings or queens
Not for money or glory
We died
In the end
At our end
We died
Not even for those at home
But for those at our sides
We died
As we looked around and saw our brothers
Running forward 
And those hidden silently from the storm of battle
We died 
For the wounded we could not leave
For the dead we would not save
For, sometimes, no reason at all
We died 
And we only ask of our country
Of our people 
One thing
So that you would not
We died 


Thursday, September 3, 2015

Oh, but...

Oh, but she has a heart 
And it is beautiful

She has a soul
And it flies

She has love
And it overwhelms 


Monday, August 31, 2015

A fragile peace

Between the two
Had loved so hard
But somehow lost their touch

But fade away
The joy between 
And life became too much

Where love had lived
And hope did thrive
It proved no quite enough

Where promised days 
And nights forev'r
Emotions fell to dust

And where once was
A lifetime gift
Had died there, insomuch

Replaced by hurt 
And painful thoughts
Where once they'd held to trust 

The talks devolved 
To idle words 
Of this and that and such

A fragile peace
Replaced the bonds
Their love o'ercome with rust 


Sunday, August 30, 2015

Her bed

And the world that she lived in
Like the bed that she lay in
Was sometimes a mess
Sometimes neatly made
Sometimes shared
Sometimes empty 
A comfort
A refuge
A place of solitude
And meditation 
Of joy
A safe place to cry
A good place to laugh
But far
Far to often
Empty of what she really wanted


Sunday, August 23, 2015

The wind

The wind blew through her
Arms up
Head to the sky
Her skin exposed 
The wind blew through 
He left hair streaking back into the night sky
Her dress pulled tight to her front but pulled and twisted as the wind wrapped around her
Her skin felt a light burn from the wind
Across her cheeks
He bare arms and legs 
Her neck exposed as her hair danced its own dance. 

But more than all of that
The wind blew through her
It changed her
Cleared her perpetually clouded thoughts 
Allowed her to focus on those few, key things she needed to live a good and happy life 
And identify all the extra weight
All the redundancies in her life
And even those things and people that she did not want in her life. 

Some people would be hurt 
Some insulted
Some angry
And some understanding. 

The wind was blowing and all of her knew what that meant
It was time
Her time
Her time to shine. To change. To live freely. To live for herself.
It was time for her to let go of her comfortable life and place and friends and family. Let go and walk away
Into the world
It was not
Never to come back 
It was 
I have to find myself in the world. Not this little world I only know. But the great big world that so few of us have seen 

And the wind
It still blew


Big eyes

What big eyes you have
He said

The better to see through bullshit


Saturday, August 22, 2015

A puzzle

A puzzle 
A puzzle to the world 
And to him 
A puzzle
But to be solved
Or be lived
Some pieces fit perfectly
Other appeared to fit no others
So what was he to do
Leave this unsolvable puzzle for something
Someone simpler
Or stay with her
Constantly changing pieces
Fitting together with some 
And the next time
Not fitting any
A puzzle
Knowing the sum of the pieces
Made up all of her
But knowing
They would never all fit together
Every piece its own puzzle 
And he wanted to know every piece 
A puzzle
What to do
For him
The solution was easy
Keep fitting the pieces together 
As they would
As they allowed
Knowing it would never be solved
But it was not solving the puzzle that he wanted
It was the entire puzzle that he loved 
And it was understanding the pieces that he lived for


A storm

A storm is coming. Just off the shoreline. She is coming. Dark. Mysterious. What lies in her path is unknown but she will either devastate or cleanse. Regardless, nothing will be the same when she is gone. @johnfklee

Friday, August 21, 2015

A flower

I picked you a flower
I found on the ground
Her stem had been broken
But nobody's around

Her head lay in grass
Bright colors on green
This prettiest of flowers
I'd ever had seen

So I picked up this flower
Versus cutting a stem
I thanked all her sisters
Then walked off from them

I came to your door
Knocked thrice, as I do
You opened the door
I gave her to you

This flower had fallen
And destined to die
Her loveliness brought
That light in your eye

So even in death
All flowers may cause
A smile on one's lips
And breath a slight pause


Thursday, August 20, 2015

He slept

He slept through his pain
He slept through his sadness
He slept through his frustration
And when he awoke
He realized he had slept through his life

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

He thinks of her

He thinks of her and he smiles
She makes him smile
Her perfect imperfections 
Her heart, through which she speaks 
Her eyes that change colors to him
Her smile that disarms him
The curve of her hips
The small of her back
The touch of her lips
He thinks of her
And he smiles

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Monday, August 17, 2015


With age
Comes true beauty 

In the dark

He kissed her
In the dark
No outside input or distractions
Just the connection 
Her hips to her mouth
His hands
His mouth
And somewhere in between
His heart beat faster 



We are naked
Only to ourselves
And to those we bare our hearts to 


Thursday, August 13, 2015

She turns

Oh, how quickly she turns
Upon a heel
Your heart to break
Your soul to steal

If she turns to her right
You may be surprised
As her lips gently brush
And she smiles with her eyes 

She can turn to the left 
And rip out your heart
Of glide to her right
A sweet kiss, just to start

But either way that she turns
You will always be confused
Your soul still not knowing
If it's loved or it is used

But don't  stay out of her path
If you do, you will miss
With a glare to freeze water
Or a smile to be kissed

She'll look down her nose
At nothing and all
Make decisions on whims
And has never to stall

She lives her own life
At the pace that she feels
Keeps her life on the tracks 
And the air in her wheels 

Oh, how quickly she turns
To her right and her left
Her mood may not change 
For her life has the heft 

Oh, how quickly she turns
To take in all the lemmings
That follow her 'round
Without ever stepping 

Oh, how quickly she turns
Round the world of her making 
For she has set it all up
To be hers for the taking  


Wednesday, August 12, 2015

He blushes

He blushes
As she compliments him
He smiles
When she looks him in the eyes
He shivers
At the electricity in her touch
He shakes
As her fingers walk his arm
He aches
As he lays in her embrace
He cries
At the sound of her goodbye
He leaps
For joy upon her return
He floats
With every one of her kisses

He blushes and he smiles at the thought of her



She cut through souls as she cuts through life
With grace, style and a gentle fury 


Tuesday, August 11, 2015


Waiting for a kiss from a beautiful woman is worse than waiting for death


Monday, August 10, 2015


Scorched earth
And broken hearts
Were all she left in her wake



I promise, tomorrow
Not a lifetime
Not forever
Not until the end of time
Just tomorrow


Sunday, August 9, 2015

Kiss me again

Kiss me again
He said to her

Kiss you again 
She asked

Kiss me again 
He told her to do

Kiss you again
I'll pass

Kiss me again
He plead with her

Kiss you again
But why

Kiss me again
He held his tears

Kiss you again
She sighs

I'll kiss you again
This one more time
I'll kiss you again
I swear
But the next time I kiss you
You had better ask
By whispering 
In my ear 


Tuesday, August 4, 2015


He wrote for himself
And no one else
He knew he would never break his own heart

@johnfklee 2015

Monday, July 27, 2015

A pocket full of happiness

A pocket full of happiness
is what you need, I say
to walk down streets and say hello
to all you meet today

I pocket full of happiness
brings smiles to those you meet
it stretches out your walking stride
and elevates your feet

A pocket full of happiness
if good for all you do
from work to play to sleeping late
and makes the world brand new

A pocket full of happiness
lets all the folks you know
that things all well within your world
or at least they do seem so

A pocket full of happiness
rubs off on everyone
even those living not so happily
and keeps you forever young

A pocket full of happiness
smooths roads that aren't so smooth
makes bumps not so much bumpy bumps
and elevates your mood

A pocket full a happiness
I hope you've got one now
so, see you later on my friend
goodbye, good smiles and ciao


Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Weathers lines

Weathers lines crossed his face
Leathered skin rough to embrace
Misty eyes from dawn to dusk
Shaking off a day's worth dust

The cowboy wears his work on those
Shoulders sore and hunched and bowed
Roughed up arms and callused hands
Hourglass always low on sands

One leg hitches when he walks
Thoughts spoken slowly when he talks 
Don't dismiss his far'way gaze
Your bad weeks are his bad days

But what he does before you wake
Sometimes cause his hands to shake
Pull down tight on rein and rope
Like Pandora's box, there remains just hope

One day he'll take his final ride 
Hope finds a love there at his side
A love whose time was to abide 
Take place love and hate of things rawhide

Friday, July 17, 2015

I swear

I swear that if she doesn't grab me and kiss me and hold me tight...

Non committal

I'll walk away
Afraid to commit

I'll grab her myself, sweep her up in my arms and kiss her as no man has or will ever kiss her. 
A true gentleman

Ladies, name your poison. 

Thursday, July 16, 2015


You are beautiful
In word and breath
In spirit and flesh
Both far and both near 
In sleep or astir


Swiftly he walked 
Through crowds of crows
Dark eyes met dark
He leaned forward into his gate
Walking from his past
To present
To future
He strode faster eyeing the horizon
Each step carrying him
Somewhere he had never been
Each heel lift releasing 
A last hold on his immediate past
Wet pavement or brick or sand
Grass or dirt or stone
His shoes leaving impressions on some
And no trace of his passing on others
Only receiving wear and tear 
Friction and abuse from those surfaces
Not one of them
Not even sand or grass offering any renewal
But forward still he walked
Looking back less and less with each stride
Swiftly now
E're time would catch him
Consume him if he stopped 
He did not presume to outrun
Or out-walk time
But only to stay ahead 
Not let it catch him
Pass him by as he shifted 
Side to side
Walking in circles or yet
Afraid to take that next step 
He moved
Swiftly through crowds and open spaces
Past homes and offices and down streets 
As the crows watched from their perches 
Or from the ground as they fought over carrion
He mostly ignored them
Those dark
Black eyes 
No soul behind them
Only darkness 
That he could not allow to catch him
That darkness 
Those crows
He walked from, swiftly


Friday, July 10, 2015


I've sat in those chairs
Too many times
I've shuffled my feet through
Too many lines 

Hard concrete floors
And far too thin carpet
All marching like drones
As they fall from the parapets 

In too many airports
I've spent too many days
Spent nights roaming corridors
In a bone-tired haze 

Awaiting a journey
That may not or it may
Slow unmoving waits
At the end of long day

We travel for pleasure
For work or for need
We leave behind loved ones
Pray return with true speed 

Tuesday, June 30, 2015


There is a smoke in her eyes 
That hides the fire in her soul

Friday, June 26, 2015

I dreamt

I dreamt a light
That blinded me
I dreamt a dark
And could not see
I dreamt that arms
Surrounded me
I dreamt a love
That could not be

The wind did blow
Through hollow trees
The skies grew dark
The cold did seize
My love was nowhere
To be found
My dreams I dreamt
Had run aground 

For that is what
Our dreams are dear
But visions though
They seem so clear 
When eyes are op'n
They're like the air
They vanish fast 
And disappear 

Sunday, June 21, 2015

Never ready

We are never ready for...
Life and all it has to offer
So just live

Nothing else

When he could think of nothing else
He thought of her 

Friday, June 19, 2015

Unspeaking reflection

I've nothing to say
He said to his mirror
Like a silent movie
His image made no sound
But lips moving

Why can't I hear you
He implored his reflection
I speak
And you mock me 
With silence

I'm out of words
My thoughts are empty
Heart weak
I need your advice
He begged

But his reflection silently
Staring back at him 
Aping him
Offering not a word
No counsel

And he could not understand
When he was younger
His reflection spoke often
Offering advice

Point after counterpoint 
Whatever he said
His reflection 
Could offer a counter
A better way

But now there was nothing
No life in the mirror
Just an image
A picture of him looking back
At him

What has time done to you
His image just looking back
Where have you gone 

As he turned to walk 
He noticed a streak down the mirror
From water
Not condensation from a recent shower
Just one streak

He shuddered as he looked up
He saw from where it originated 
His reflection
Now looking right at him 
Had cried 


Saturday, May 23, 2015

Stars hanging low

Stars hanging low 
In the sky tonight
Moon just a sliver
But oh so bright 

Dark clear sky
Can view for miles
Somewhere's a dream
That brings me smiles

Scanning the void
The blackness reigns
Indigo dark
Relieves my pains

Somewhere up there
Her eyes they gaze
Searching the darkness
Wandering the maze

Where does she search
What does she see
Am I on her list
Does she look for me

Will Fate ever show 
What searches she's cast
And what do they yield 
What dreams have passed 

That deep night sky
That sky so black
Will guide me home
Would lead me back

That slivered moon
Hung on that night
It touched my soul
It sparked it bright 

I'll dream of this sky
When later I sleep 
I dream of this dream 
How dark how deep

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Seen her dance

Have you ever seen her dance
'Cross the floor
'Cross the lawn

Have you seen the way she moves 
As she turns 
As she bows

Have you ever seen her float
As she walks 
Up to you

Have you ever seen her smile
When she winks
Right at you 


Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Changing lanes

Hustling cars
People rushed
Lights change colors
Turn signals
Horns blowing
That lane is moving faster
My turn
My exit
Do I move or wait
Cut off again 
Being late for nothing
Slow down
No hurry
Take your time 
Changing lanes

Friday, May 1, 2015

There's a Tree

There's a Tree that grows in a hole in our grass
Since I first dug that hole over thirty years pass
Behind the garage and off to one side
It has stood there and watched our life scuttle by

Yes I dug the hole and up to my knees
And you picked out That Tree because of its leaves
We both gently set it down in its home in the ground
And filled in the dirt to a neat little mound

Tree didn't just sit as our lives merged to a life
As this poor husband learned to understand his dear wife
It grew as we did in love and counted heads
And laughed that we greatly underestimated our beds

It added its rings as we added our kids
It stood there and did the things that trees did
Grew taller and wider and filled outside from in
At times it was sick, at times it got thin

But just like our family, it fought and survived
It grew up and out sprouting new branches, it thrived
We watched o'er our family as Tree watched over us
It's leaves changed from green to gray, brown and rust

Our children grew up, our pets, well some died
Our tree stood there gently when 'neath it we buried and cried
Broken bones were results of broke branches the same
But those injuries were usually the results of a game

And that tree it stood there and gathered it all
Standing strong through the winter and back through the fall
Our children grew older they were our living proof
And our tree it grew bolder and covered our roof

It cooled us in shadow when the summer sun bright
It oversaw picnics lasting well into night
It watched over our family when we lost one with our name
Sheltered us when we wept, yes our tree did the same 

We'd lost a child, pain no parent should know
But our tree it bent over, it's branches hung low
Our tree knew our heartache, shed leaves as we cried
Our tree wept along with us when our little boy died 

But our tree gave us strength and just waited right there
In the spring after winter its buds filled the air
As leaves filled limbs and grief slightly fade
Our tree stretched its branches and provided us shade

Tree's been home to both birds and squirrel families here 
And an owl used to rest on that branch over there
Some termites and ants and other small pests
And our dogs used its shade from the sun for a rest

From birthdays and parties and late night porch talks
Our tree it just waited when returned from long walks
Though time and disease made some branches weak
It's leaves remained full and sunlight would just peek

Some branches were culled with ladder and saw
Others came crashing down after cold winter's thaw
It grew just a little with a tilt to the house
As if saying, "yes, yes, your family I espouse"

As children moved on and left us alone
Our tree stayed right there as we all would have known
And grey hair filled in where once it been brown 
Our tree lost more branches I picked from the ground 

Now there are only the three of us left living right here
I stand at the counter, while she sits in her chair
And our friend who's not left us, he waits just outside
And patiently stands as the birds homebound glide

Grandchildren come over and climb up his bark
We all shuddered when one of them said, "chop him down for an ark"
No, our friend he'll be standing for long after we're gone
Behind of the house dissecting the lawn

Now one day he'll die or suffer the saw
Of some ne'er do well fool who hasn't the awe
To see our friend Tree stand in all of his glory
Let's all hope it's far off 'til the end of His story

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Sexy is not sold

Sexy is not sold on shelves found in a store
Beauty is not something of which you can buy more
A sensual disposition has none to do with cash
Desire is not something of which to hoard and stash

Our vision of what is beauty, of what we think we want
Can not include purchases or things we've had to hunt
It walks up to us slowly and stands there at our side
It rushes out of nowhere and takes us all inside 

No, beauty is a scent that comes from deep within
A clue or even hint, both saintly and of sin
What we crave is open most often 'fore our eyes
For beauty comes from many things encountered in our lives 

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Fewer words

Though I may speak fewer words
It does not mean that my heart is any less full

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

For Raven, on her birthday

Her words can soothe a wounded soul
Her thoughts are deep and dark like coal
Her hair falls thick on shoulders bare
When deep she breathes perfumes the air

When speaks her mind you'd best be brave
She'll couch no words your pride to save
But beauty's never gently gazed
While captures hearts can't help amazed

She's quite unlike you'll ever meet
True luck to spy her on the street
Perhaps a wink she'll throw your way
Before her smile your soul will sway

Long of limb and skillfulled grace
Perfection flirts upon her face
A sight to see for cowered eyes
Those lips, those arms, those splendid thighs

She's captured and she's conquered hearts
But lived a life both fits and starts
She's owned some souls but now her's owned 
She found another she has throned

She's Raven, as you'd never knew
She's Raven, poor there is no clue
She's Raven, all we wish we could
She's Raven, strong and proudly stood 

Saturday, April 18, 2015


Her hipssway
Always left to right 
Her hipssway
Morning 'til late at night
Her hipssway
And captivate the crowd
Her hipssway
Proof she's living out loud 

Her hipssway
From that way to this
Her hipssway 
Then she'll blow you a kiss
Her hipssway
From this way to that
Her hipssway
Makes me forget where I'm at  

When she dances 
Her hipssway
When walks
I'll stop and watch her hipssway
When she talks
I still have an eye that way
When she moves
I love to watch her hipssway 

Her hipssway
This ain't no little girl
Her hipssway
She gives her hair a twirl
Her hipssway
Keeping timing with her smile
Her hipssway
Been working on it for a while 

So when you see her
Her hipssway
You'll want to meet her because
Her hipssway 
She'll mesmerize you with how
Her hipssway
You'll fantasize about the way
Her hipssway

Her hipssway 
This way 
That way 
Her hipssway
Any way
Every way
Her hipssway 
Her hipssway
Her hipssway

Friday, April 17, 2015

Sexy comes

Sexy comes all shapes and sizes
Simply dressed or some disguises
A woman walking down the street
Some women you will never meet
That girl you knew when seventeen
She's grown up better than you'd dreamed
That curvy one you've known for years
She's turned men upon their heels
The older lady, a family friend
For long a magnet to married men

So what is sexy
You might ask
It's not bare breasts 
Uncovered asses

It's more than skin 
Laid over bones
If pulled quite tight
Or overflown

It's high cheekbones
And chubby thighs 
Both sagging skin
Or cross'ed eyes

Yes sexy isn't all that rare
A simple scent upon the air
It's even dresses a bit too tight
But damn sure she looks good tonight 

Before you look at skin and hair
Just eyes and cheeks
Down dress sizes here 
Look past the colored or graying hair 

There's far more to sexy that we'd admit
And so often that we just don't get
A hip swung far out to the side
'Neath narrow shoulders it does not hide

But when you see what thought you saw
Take your left hand and lift your jaw
For sexy, well, it's everywhere 
So get you dressed and step out there 

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

She looks

She looks out
Beyond her brow
Past the horizon
To places
And worlds
Not yet seen

Saturday, April 11, 2015

Wandering paths

Some paths are straight and narrowly bend
Some paths are crooked from start to the end
Some paths follow the land and turn where required
Some paths start and stop where feet have grown tired
Some paths follow logic they go where they must
Some paths seldom used are covered in dust
Some paths just keep going no ending in sight
Some paths follow darkness and some follow light
Some paths they just go where the first person wanted
Some paths are quite frantic as if someone's hunted
Some paths appear to go nowhere at all
Some paths set you up for a rise and the fall
Some paths are so wide that they turned into roads
Some of the best paths I know lead to tiny abodes
Some paths follow people or souls or just guesses
Some paths follow nothing and end up as messes
The poem's a path and soon it will end
It cannot go forever I'm sorry my friend
But I'll leave you a hint for the best path to start
The best paths to follow our dreams from the heart

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Monday, April 6, 2015

Trees on a road

Trees line the road
Reaching towards the center 
The space in between
The open road
Crowded behind
Like a train station platform


Where a smile greets me
A hug welcomes me
Where my shoes come off
And feet know the floor

A place where my voice echoes down corridors
That my legs have carried me many times
Bumped the walls of darkened hallways
Where my hands know where all the door knobs and lights switches are

A place where the kitchen table is my favorite place
Where familiar voices surrounding me
Coaxing my out of my silence
And into their conversations

Wherever it is
With a chair my backside knows all too well
A bar stocked with my favorites
And a face
A face those smile lights my burdens
And deposits them outside the front door

That is my home
And one day
I will find it