Saturday, October 31, 2015

Death on the horizon


And Death stood on the horizon
Atop a hill not far from me
And He 
Or She
Looked around in wonder
As souls in past taken 
Rose up from their rest
And wandered the grounds 'round my home
And on this All Hallows' Eve
Whilst I could see nothingness where a face would be 
It seemed to me that I saw the gleen of a smile from under The Hood
As Death itself felt the eve' and its magic
And all that had been reaped 'neath the great sickle
Stood up and danced a dance of life
That came but once per year 
And as those souls leapt and danced and shook off a year's slumber
Death turned its hood to me
And the echo of an echo of laughter fell upon my ears
And words 
Whispered from nowhere

You, you will dance this dance one night

And Death pointed its finger at me
And The Hood shook as from laughter 
And the great sickle dipped in my direction
As if to taste something for which it would wait
I hoped 
Then turning away to watch the dance
As the sun peaked from the near horizon
The shadows slowly at first
Then with haste
Found their ways back to where they had come from

But Death did not move
Standing upon the horizon
On that hill
Overlooking my home 
And glanced back at me for a moment
Shook once more 
With laughter? 
And when all the souls had been laid back to their rest
Nodded its head 
And moved forward
Disappearing into the new light

I was left with the memory burned into my mind's eye
With the warning of my pending dance
But, perhaps, with a little less fear of the dying 
And rotting
For in the end
We all die
But occasionally 
We all get to dance 


Thursday, October 29, 2015


There are no endings in life
Except for life itself
Relationships do not end
They just taper off
Sometimes to a little less
Sometimes to just memories 


Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Light / Dark

Behind the light
Is the dark
But without the dark
How can there be light 


Sunday, October 25, 2015


Like kudzu creeps along the ground
Engulfing walls
And rails
And trees
Covering all of the world it encounters
The dark thoughts
Did not encroach upon him so much 
But consumed him
Surrounded him
Choked out room for other life 
And his world
Was overrun 


Darkness falls

When darkness falls upon him
And hatred consumes his mind
He reflects not on what he has
But on what he has not
What he has lost
And what no longer is
And consoling him is not possible
Neither from without or within
The light is driven away 
What remains is nothing 
And nothing is what he feels 


Thursday, October 22, 2015

Storm, a prayer

Help me to weather this storm
That I have created for myself


Sunday, October 18, 2015

More scars

Scars remind us that no one is perfect
We have all suffered in different ways 
And life goes on


Monday, October 12, 2015


And the lights dimmed
As he lay in bed
Remembering what had been promised
And what had been said

He rolled to his side
Let out a deep sigh
As his eyes took in the darkness
He thought he should cry

For loneliness felt
Like a vise on his heart
Which squeezed the life out of his dreams 
He watched fall apart

Like dead dying flesh
Falling from bone
Left damp and decayed in the dirt 
'till leaves have been blown

He rolled back 
Faced the clock
Murmured some hopeless prayer
And closed his eyes to the darkness

And the night swallowed him


Monday, October 5, 2015

A gathering of angels

A gathering of angels
Each morning she slept
In awe of her beauty
From which they were kept

A gathering of angels
Stood 'round while she cried
To take 'way her pain 
They all would have died 

A gathering of angels
Prayed lift her from bed
Invisibly dressing 
With crown on her head

A gathering of angels
Held steady her hand
Walked 'cross the town square
All at her command

A gathering of angels 
Followed everywhere
Always by her side 
Though she'd not sense them near 

A gathering of angels
Both laughter and tears
Had followed her 'round
For all of her years
They wept when she wept
Laughed when she did 
Showered light on her smile
And frowned when it hid

This gathering of angels
Didn't catch her from fall
But cleaned her wounds
And kiss'ed them all

This gathering of angels
Would always be near
For God had ordained it
For her, the Lord cared 
