Thursday, November 26, 2015


There was a sadness in her eyes
That had never been there 
A weariness drawn from long days
The light in her eyes subdued
Not certain if extinguished 
Or just veiled by the weight of life
Still the beauty she had always been
But not the same person
Not the same woman
Her soul just a little bit less
This sadness did not surround her
Nor did it eminate from her
It was as if it just followed her
Reminding her of the weight of life
And loss
And love 
And somehow dimming the glow
Which had carried her for so long 



You melt me
She said
From deep within
You melt me

My heart 
Which had grown cold
My soul
Like ice

You melt me

And then 
You put me back together 


Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Right now

It's a balancing act that we must endeavor to live. Shut ourselves off from the world and "protect" ourselves or open ourselves up to the benefits and of the rest of the world. Live in our own world with our own threats or live in The world and open ourselves to the threats of the world. 

I am not picking a side right here; I change my position by the minute but right now, I want to hunker down and protect my family. 



Beauty is just the physical manifestation of the soul 


Sunday, November 15, 2015

For Paris 2015.11.13

For Paris 2015.11.13 attacks 

I am angry
For the pain caused
I am hurt 
For the taking of lives 
I am scared 
For my sons' and this world's future
I am unbowed
For I will not give into fear


Monday, November 9, 2015


I am the warrior
Who stands at the front
I am the warrior who fights
And dies
Not for glory but for hope

I stand for my country
I stand for my beliefs
Even when they do not agree
I stand
For the man or woman standing next to me

Because I fight to live
Not to kill
Because I fight for life
Not for death

I will stand and fight
And when not able
I will crawl
To my comrade
To cover or to offer my brotherhood
During death

I will drape my body over his
To protect him
I will give my blood
My sweat
My tears
My life
For those at my side
And you all benefit from my sacrifice
Our sacrifices

I will fight at the front
I will fight to get back to the front
When wounded
Or scared
Or exhausted
I will fight

If they take my leg
I will get another one
If they take my arm or my eye
The Gods gave me two

I am the Warrior
I stand at your door to protect you
And ask little of you in return
While at the Front or
Upon my return

I do not want your pity
Warriors have no room for that
I do not want your charity
I have earned my keep
I do not want your praise
I did not fight for recognition

I want your love
Because, for love of my country
I am a warrior
I want your respect
From respect for freedom
Your freedom
I fight
I want your acceptance
Of who I am and who I became
To stand and fight
And I want to be welcome home
If I walk or roll
Or am carried by comrades
I want to be welcome home

But mostly
I want you to stand
And fight
Not with weapons
With your voices
As I and my brothers and sisters have fought
For our lives
For our homes
For our rights and country and neighbors and ourselves
I want you to stand and fight for us
For all of us

I am the warrior
Who has stood at your door
And faced the gates of hell
I stepped forward among us
As have my brothers and sisters

I have fallen
Gotten up and fallen again
Stood on my own or assisted
At times I have been carried by comrades
And I the same for them

I stand now
And always will
Whether I can physically stand or not
I will stand against the tides
I will stand with the living
Or the dead

I will stand
The Warrior
For Right
For Honor
For Freedom and Country
I will stand as I have always stood
For I am a Warrior


Friday, November 6, 2015

No answer

No answer
Is for worse than, "No"
For an answer
It means you lack the courage and conviction
To believe your own answer 
