Sunday, January 24, 2016



You are loved
She said

I know

Just know it 

I do
I know 
I think
I think it comes down to this
I don't want to be loved 
I never have


I'm not sure really
Maybe I am
It's just that 
It hurts 

I know
We have all been hurt
Love ends
Love sometimes isn't what we thought it was 
Maybe it wasn't there
It was and it ended 
We think we love someone 
But we even lie to ourselves 
Just so we feel good
Aren't lonely
So yes
I know the bad times can be rough
And scar us
But the good times are worth it
Those moments when you know Love
When you know you are loved 
They are worth it

He shuddered
And went pale

Those times
The good times
Those are the moments that hurt
That hurt the most
For some of us
At those times
It crushes 
I'm not sure why
But it's those times that hurt me far more than the bad times
Maybe because 
When it ends
And I know at that time that it will end
Because everything ends
I know that when I do look back
I won't remember those good times
Not that I don't want to
It is that I am unable to
And knowing that those times are not only gone from my future
But that I cannot remember them from my past

That hurts far more than being able to remember and miss them


Friday, January 22, 2016


An empty hotel room
Rumpled bed 
No one between the sheets
A cell
A sentence carried out
My penance 
For love
Unnerving silence
Left alone 
